> 春节2024 > 今年过年去哪里买年货英语




We had prepared the tools for the trip. Did you prepare the tools for climbing the mountains? I had purchased traditional Chinese New Year items as the Spring Festival approaches. The Spring Festival is the most important and popular festival in China. People celebrate it by exchanging gifts, decorating their houses, and preparing special food. It is similar to Christmas in the west, where people exchange gifts and decorate Christmas trees. So, in English, we can say \"I bought some traditional Chinese New Year items for the Spring Festival.\"


La primavera è la mia festa preferita, perché ci siamo riuniti insieme la famiglia. Capodanno cinese può includere una grande quantità di shopping per i prodotti tradizionali di Capodanno. Nel periodo antecedente il Capodanno cinese, molte persone comprano fiori bellissimi per decorare le loro case e alcuni dolci tradizionali, come i dolci di loto, gli zongzi e le melagrane. Quindi, in inglese, possiamo dire \"My family and I will go shopping together for a bunch of traditional Chinese New Year items.\"


When it comes to the English translation for \"年货\" (Chinese New Year items), we can use the term \"Spring Festival goods\" or \"Chinese New Year goods\" to accurately convey the meaning. So, the spelling would be \"Spring Festival goods\" or \"Chinese New Year goods.\"