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Is it true that we can\'t eat dinner on Chinese New Year\'s Eve?

Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is the most significant festival in China. On the eve of Chinese New Year, families gather together for a grand dinner. It is a time for reunion and celebration. While there is a superstition that suggests not eating dinner on Chinese New Year\'s Eve, it is not a universally followed practice. Many families still enjoy a delicious meal together on this special occasion.

Why do some people believe that it is not allowed to eat dinner on Chinese New Year\'s Eve?

The belief that eating dinner on Chinese New Year\'s Eve is not allowed may stem from ancient customs and cultural taboos. In traditional Chinese culture, there are certain superstitions and practices associated with the lunar new year. Some people believe that not eating dinner on Chinese New Year\'s Eve will bring good luck and fortune for the coming year. However, it is important to note that these beliefs are not widely held or followed by everyone. Many people nowadays still enjoy a festive dinner with their loved ones on this special evening.

The Significance of the New Year\'s Eve Dinner

The New Year\'s Eve dinner holds great significance during the Spring Festival. It symbolizes family unity, prosperity, and good fortune for the year ahead. The dinner often consists of traditional dishes that carry symbolic meanings. For example, fish is a common dish served during the New Year\'s Eve dinner, as it represents abundance and prosperity.

In addition, dumplings are a must-have dish during the Spring Festival. Their round shape symbolizes reunion and completeness. It is believed that eating dumplings during the New Year\'s Eve dinner will bring good luck and fortune to the family.

Why do people like to set off fireworks during the Spring Festival?

Setting off fireworks is a long-standing tradition during the Spring Festival in many places. It is believed that the loud noises and bright lights of the fireworks can ward off evil spirits and bring good luck for the coming year. Besides, fireworks also create a festive and joyful atmosphere, adding to the celebration of the Spring Festival.

However, it is worth noting that in recent years, many cities in China have implemented restrictions or even bans on firework usage due to safety and environmental concerns. The use of fireworks during the Spring Festival has become less common in urban areas, but it is still prevalent in rural regions and some smaller towns.


In summary, while there is a belief that one should not eat dinner on Chinese New Year\'s Eve, it is not a universally followed practice. The New Year\'s Eve dinner is a significant tradition during the Spring Festival, symbolizing family unity and good fortune. It is a time for families to gather, enjoy a delicious meal together, and celebrate the beginning of a new year. Setting off fireworks is another widely embraced tradition during the Spring Festival, bringing joy and excitement to the festivities. However, it is important to keep in mind the safety and environmental concerns that come with fireworks usage.